Recognition for Open Access Innovators

What do you know about Public Library of Science (PLOS)? Since 2003 they’ve been providing us with an example of what open access can mean for the advancement of science. They publish scientific papers and articles in a freely available, online format. They’re also keen advocates for open access generally, as they see it as a key force in efforts to speed up the progress of science.

At the moment they’re running a recognition scheme called the “Accelerating Science Award Program”. ASAP is designed to honour those who have used or applied scientific research available via Open Access to make an impact in science, medicine, business, technology, or society more widely. As well as public recognition at an event in Washington DC and in a widely distributed portfolio book, the three winners of the award will receive $30,000 prizes. So if you know someone who’d make a good nominee, someone who’s applied scientific research to innovate and make a difference (in any field), now is a great time to let them be known.